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About Us

Who we are, and what makes us special:

Having been certified professional hunter over the past 28 years and hunting in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana, we have gained a lot of experience with hunting dangerous game as well as plains-game. We hunt with rifles and/or bows and we are strong believers in ethical hunting and fair chase.

This goes hand in hand with our belief in protecting the beautiful nature for our children to enjoy.


Meet the Hunting Team

Making It Happen

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Nico Neuhoff

CoFounder | Certified Professional Hunter | Outfitter

I have been hunting for as long as I can remember; as did my father before me and his father before him. Hunting is about passion, knowledge, and having appreciation and respect for the environment in which we work. I see myself as privileged to be able to do this for a living, and as such, I approach each hunt, each client, each kill as another opportunity to live my passion. These are the values I built my career on, and I hope I have succeeded in instilling them in my Son through the years we have spent together in the bush.

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